My Mother's 80th Birthday Apron!

What a milestone ??? my mother turned 80 years old on Monday 22nd March 2010! And what a life she has had so far and the energy and vitality she still has today is truly inspiring.

Elisabeth Apron
Jacqueline and I also made an apron in her favourite colour ???green??? and embroidered an 80th on the pocket to mark the occasion! Of course it???s now her new favourite apron.

We had a wonderful time helping her celebrate this special occasion with our family.

Elisabeth & Maree

Elisabeth and Maree

Elisabeth & Jacqueline

Elisabeth and Jacqueline

Talking of BIG BIRHTDAY???S – Here are some words of wisdom about getting older!

???Don???t let age get you down??? it???s too hard to get back up!??? John Wagner

???Age is an issue of mind over matter ??? if you don???t mind it doesn???t matter!???

???Old age is 15 years older than I am.??? Oliver Wendell Holmes.

???How old would you be if you didn???t know how old you were???? Satchel Paige

???Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.???

???Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.??? – Mark Twain

Happy Sewing,

Maree Pigdon Sewing Classes

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One Response to “My Mother's 80th Birthday Apron!”

  1. Sandra Rohde says:

    Thanks for the quotes, Maree. I’ve saved a copy of them to cheer me up when I’m feeling “older”!!
    I’ve just reached the big six zero, and my saying is that it’s better to reach X years, than the alternative….

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